Rabu, 26 September 2018


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Personally I prefer to use cashew milk instead of aquafaba because the taste is just milder and smoother. It also helps to keep the colour of the cheese to stay lighter. However, you can even swap nut milk for water, and it will also taste great.

This vegan mozzarella cheese will taste great grilled on toast or as a pizza topping as it melts just like an ordinary cheese (OK, maybe not just like cheese, but almost exactly same). I was really surprised how easy it was to make. Apart from one ingredient which is kappa carrageenan, the rest should be in your kitchen already, but luckily living in the golden age of internet means that if you do not have something today, there is always Amazon and scary courier driver that will deliver it to you tomorrow.


  1. 1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked overnight or boiled for 15 minutes)
  2. 2 tbsp arrowroot powder
  3. 1 cup cashew milk (or water)
  4. 2 tsp kappa carrageenan (or substitute for 2 tbsp agar powder, check the notes below)
  5. 1 tbsp lemon juice
  6. ...........................................................
  7. ................................................................
full recipe : annabanana.co

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