Kamis, 20 September 2018


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As many of you know I live on a small Greek island called Paros. This year the wonderful Greek climate has been fighting against the chillier autumn weather and we’ve been lucky enough to enjoy warm and sunny weather… until now. As soon as November arrived, the days got shorter and we are starting to remember what it feels like to be cold. We’ve even had to start doing crazy Northern European things like wear socks and warm slippers.

The cat, who spent all of summer prowling outside and sleeping face down on cool marble floor tiles is sneaking up to our bed to sleep during the day. Autumn chill has officially arrived.


  1. 120 ml / ½ cup maple syrup*
  2. 90 ml / ¼ + 1/8 cup tahini**
  3. 90 gr / 1 cup walnut halves, ground finely (approx. ¾ cup ground walnuts)
  4. 135 gr / approx. 1 + ¼ cup buckwheat flour
  5. ...........................................................................
  6. ................................................................................
full recipe : www.lazycatkitchen.com

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